David Osu Professor NdehENG 1101 2/13/18 Narrative Essay

David Osu Professor NdehENG 1101 2/13/18 Narrative Essay

David Osu
Professor NdehENG 1101
Narrative Essay (draft)
Coming of Age
Everybody experiences coming of age in their lifetime. My own coming of age started in the middle of my high school year and has continued up to the present. So, for me coming of age has occurred from age 8 to present. The three steps that really defined my coming of age was how I grew up, starting high school and my travelling to United States of America.

My first step in my coming of age, was how I grew up with my parents, and siblings in Nigeria. As the first male child of my parent growing up was fun and interesting for me until I had my younger ones after me. For example, my mum would always wash my cloths, buy candies and chocolate for me, and also take me to the fun fair and play with my friends. My dad always supported me in everything that I do.

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The second step I took towards my coming of age was when I started high school at Federal Science and Technical College. Starting high school for me was a little bit different from primary school because there was a lot of assignment, test and quizzes. My teachers would always give a lot of assignment every day which was really stressful. This helped me to study more and prepare for any texts and exams. So, therefore this was a big step in my coming of age. I also made new friends of different background which really influence me in high school. Secondly, in high school authorities try to treat you as a young mature adult, teach you good morals and effective responsibility. For example if you miss many classes then you repeat the class without no exemption.

The last and my most recent step for coming of age was travelling alone to the United State. Firstly my parent escorted me to the airport and left me alone. This was my first time riding on a plane and travelling alone.


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