Charcoal has been considered a source of fuel for many Filipino people especially in the rural areas

Charcoal has been considered a source of fuel for many Filipino people especially in the rural areas

Charcoal has been considered a source of fuel for many Filipino people especially in the rural areas. According to The Central Echo (2011), more than 90% of Filipinos use charcoal for cooking. While 1-2% use Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) or kerosene due to high cost of living. However, making charcoal means cutting trees. As a result, only species of trees that do not burn well are left in our forest. Therefore, there is a compelling need to find alternative fuel sources and new methods that can minimize the need for charcoal (The Central Echo, 2011).

Paper is the major contributor of solid waste by either weight or volume. Yet it is highly recyclable and can be manufactured into some other materials. Thus, paper charcoal was introduced as an alternative for charcoal. Also, it will not destroy our forests and ravage mother earth but instead, this will help minimize solid waste and reduce forest denudation due to charcoal making (The Central Echo, 2011).

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