CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Education is the most important invention

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Education is the most important invention

Education is the most important invention. It is more important than the invention of machines, tools, weapons and even language. Language is the product of education. A man without education is just like an animal. Education transformed man from mere to human beings. The word education is like a diamond which appears to be a different colour when seen from different angles.
Education of human did not begin at school but it begins at the the birth of man and ends at the men’s death. Therefore, education is a lifelong process. Modification brought in the behavior of an individual that is the result of interaction with the environment constitutes learning. The concept of education is dynamic. The concept of education is still in the process of evolution it will never came to an end.Education is rightly regarded as the key to national prosperity and welfare, it is one of the most important form of national investment throughout the ages and in all the parts of the world.
Maturation is on important variable for psychological study because it sets the ultimate limit of achievement and determines to a large degree the rate of learning and enculturation knowledge of this development process alters parent’s teachers and others to the desirability of adopting learning situation, so that they are optimal in difficulty and complexity for the individual child. Maturation in children is occurrence with the lapse of time. Therefore chronological age is very rough approximation of the level of psychological growth for average child, when the normal range, special scales and instruments must be used to measure his maturational status. The child most difficult adjustments involve the behaviour which are the units of the social interactions are different and also the social expectations of the peer and teachers are difference from those of parents and elders at home. The extent and the quality of social relationship the child maintains with in a classroom determine. Its own social development unfortunately in the present education system teachers do not encourage by providing the various activities. So that child can mature social adjustment with his surroundings.

1.2 Statement of the problem
“Relationship of study involvement and emotional maturity of secondary school students”
The study was aimed to investigate relationship of study involvement and emotional maturity of secondary school students.
1.3 Objectives of the study
The study was under taken with the following broad objectives.
• To study the relationship between study involvement and emotional maturity
• To explore relationship between study involvement and emotional progression
• To study relationship of study involvement of secondary school students and their emotional maturity
1.4 Research hypothesis
? There is no significant relationship between study involvement and emotional maturity of secondary school students
? There is no significant relationship between study involvement and emotional stability of secondary school students.
? There is no significant relationship between emotional progression and study involvement of secondary school students.
? There is no significance relationship between study involvement and social adjustment of secondary school students.
? There is no significant relationship between study involvement and personality integration of secondary school students.
? There is no significant relationship between study involvement and independence of secondary school students.
1.5 0perational definitions
Study Involvement:
Sherif and Cantril (1947) were the first to use the concept of ego participation. According to them the behavior can be designed as ego involved when in the course of development, attain attitudes related to one’s own ego are brought into play in a certain situation by relevant objects, people or groups, so that either a high degree of involvement is produced or attitudes relative to one’s own ego, the image of one’s ego etc are called upon.
Emotional Maturity:
In the present study, emotional maturity is defined by Yashvir Singh and Mahesh Bhargav is that emotional level of growth of an individual in which is capable of meeting any emotional challenges without breaking up, is able to keep himself free from any emotional conflict, strain, fright and also capable of raising above such tendencies like anger, jealousy, irritability, self centeredness, presentation, intolerance irresponsibility. It is an ability to sense the equinity under all conditions of stress and strain.
A person who lacks emotional maturity reacts like a child who looks for sympathy arrogant, querulous, self-interested and demanding person, has preservative emotional is excitable and feel very much upset to lose a match.

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1.6 study involvement
Involvement had conceived in different ways by different authors Sherif and Cantril (1947) were the first to use the concept of ego involvement. According to them the behavior can be designed as ego-involved when in the course of development, acquired attitudes related to one’s own ego are brought into play in a certain situation by relevant objects, people or groups, so that either a high degree of participation is produced or attitudes relative to one’s own ego, the image of one ego etc.
Ego involvement in the dictionary of the social science (1969) also refers to the process by which the ego becomes identified with various objects acts, attitudes, values and so on to the extent that their luck becomes the fate of the ego a threat that to them threatens the ego and their enhancement exalts the ego. This involvement of the ego leads to particularly intensive strongly motivation of behavior when such outside elements seem to be applicable to the action situation.
Goldenson (1970) states “We do not react to all situations with the same degree of effort or concern. The more deeply our goals and self-esteem are concerned, that is the more ego involved we are the more intense our reactions. A relationship between involvement and need satisfaction has been visualized by a few researchers. These researchers specify that a positive relationship does exist between personal involvement of individuals in any activity and the satisfaction of their needs, studies conducted by Perkins (1975) and Rufus (1976) showed this relationship. This concept is the basis of this study involvement inventory. The inventory is based on the concept of involvement which is held as an identification with the task to be accomplished the degree of involvement is determined by the (i) number of needs satisfied, and (ii) the extent of their satisfaction through the performance of the task.
Involvement as conceptualized in this context therefore may be classified as an intrinsic motivation. Study skill is an important factor that will determine the result of your studies. Some naturally have very good study skills whereas others have a more difficult time doing the same amount of work. Study involvement in view implies keen interest in the task working with persistence and imagination and sharing the responsibility for own learning. Yan (1973), defined study involvement as a degree of feeling of being actively involved in one’s own learning process. Involvement in studies not only makes the learning a pleasant activity but also yields development in learning outcomes of higher order and develops positive attitudes towards learning and facilitates creative productivity. The purpose of this research is to measure the involvement of students in their educational pursuits. The student’s intrinsic pedagogic motivation will be of great use to the school teachers, parents and leadership counselors. It will help in guidance and psychotherapy of students in the selection of various diversified courses as well as helping the potential school dropouts and under-achievers etc.

1.7 Emotional maturity:
Maturation is on important variable for psychological study because it sets the eventual limit of achievement and determines to a large degree the rate of learning and enculturation knowledge of this development process alters parent’s teachers and others to the attractiveness of adopting learning situation, so that they are optimal in difficulty and complexity for the individual child.
Maturation in children is occurrence with the lapse of time. Therefore chronological age is very rough approximation of the level of psychological growth for average child, when the normal range, special scales and instruments must be used to measure his maturational status. The child’s most difficult adjustments involve the behavior which are the units of the social relations are different and also the social opportunities of the peer and teachers are difference from those of parents and elders at home. The degree and the quality of social relationship that the child maintains within a classroom determine. Its own social development unfortunately in the present education system teachers do not encourage by providing the various activities. So that child can mature social adjustment with his surroundings. Maturity as defined by Finley (1996) is “the capacity of mind to endure an ability of an individual to respond to uncertainty, circumstances or environment in an appropriate manner”. Havighurst (1950) has emphasized the importance of attainment of social and emotional maturity by adolescence through his proposed major developmental tasks for adolescence viz., achieving new and more mature relationships with age mates of both sexes, achieving a masculine or feminine social role, achieving emotional independence from parents and adults, preparing for an economic career, and desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior. According to Menninger (1999), emotional maturity includes the ability to deal constructively with reality. Emotional maturity is a process in which the personality is continuously striving for greater sense of emotional health, both intra-physically and intra-personally. Raj (1996) defines social maturity as a level of social skills and awareness that an individual has achieved relative to particular norms related to an age group. Social maturity is a term commonly used in two ways like with reference to the behavior that conforms to the standards and expectation of the adults and secondly, with reference to the behavior that is appropriate to the age of the individual under observation. Thus, social maturation permits more detailed perception of the social environment which helps adolescents to influence the social circumstances and develop stable patterns of social behavior. Emotional maturity and social maturity, both are vital for attaining success and happiness in one’s life. Emotional maturity enables adolescents make better decisions better choices have more fun and less stress which enables them to have better balance in life. In addition, Singh et al. (2007) found that social support and maturity plays an important role in maintaining the health and well-being as it gives the adolescents a feeling of being loved, cared for, esteem, valued and belonging.
1.8 Need and importance of the study.
In the present study, emotional maturity and study involvement have been considered as important factors in the learning process. Emotional Maturity helps for the growth of behaviour and promotes a capacity to control a reasonable amount of frustration which results in students leading a happy healthy, and peaceful life. The development of emotions will lay a strong foundation for various development of a child’s personality. Emotions like fear, anger and affection are direct contribution to emotional maturity. Once students are emotionally mature, they will have ability to comprehend whatever they learn in the classroom resulting in better academic achievement.
Success of a child in education depends on the involvement of their parents.
Parents simply need to show their child that education is an important part of life checking homework, reading aloud with a child, or volunteering to help in the classroom is a great way to show one values education. Finally, more research is needed to understand what types of parental involvement are most beneficial. It is not clear, for instance, what the optimal level of participation is, what the saturation point is at which involvement becomes less helpful, and how the impact of involvement can affect parents’ feelings about their children, parents’ literacy, and self-esteem. Communicating both ways between home and school is important for parents to keep up to date on school activities and their children progress and is also important for the teachers to be involved in children’s lives to better connect in and out of school, not only does a parents involvement influence the academic growth of children but also the social and emotional growth as well. Parental involvement in and outside of school promote a teachers ability to teach, and children’s ability to learn.
Emotional Maturity is said to be the foundation for leading a happy and contented life. If anyone lacks Emotional Maturity the life of the individual will be a sorrowful affair. Higher Secondary stage seems to be the formative stage. Lot of opportunities and avenues are there to get them emotionally disturbed. The events and incidents projected in the media portrays how the youth of today are fall as victims in the name of modernity and spoiling their life due to emotional imbalance. Keeping these considerations in view, the present study focuses on whether
Academic Achievement of secondary school students has been influenced by their Emotional Maturity, Study Involvement and socio-economic status. This study would provide empirical evidences to emphasize these factors in the process of learning and teaching at school.
1.9 Scope of the study:
The present study was attempted to study the academic achievement, study involvement and emotional maturity of secondary school students relation to their socio-economic status. To attain this academic achievement, study involvement and emotional maturity considered as the criterion variables and the independent variable socio-economic status along with a few background variables such as sex, type of school management, locality, birth ordinal position, type of family and size of family were selected. The study was constituted with a sample of secondary school tribal students drawn from various secondary schools(Urban and Rural) recognized by State Government of Nagaland representing two types of management (private and government) giving representation to locality (Rural and Urban ) sex (Boys and Girls). Data was collected and analyzed with the help of SPSS package. The descriptive analysis, ‘t’ test, One-way ANOVA (F Test), Multiple Regression and Multiple Correlation statistical techniques were applied to realize the objectives and statement of hypotheses. Based on the data analysis major findings and conclusion were drawn.
The study has the following limitations:
1. Students studying in the high schools affiliated to the board of school education were selected for the present study.
2. The study was limited to 100 students only.


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