As we all know

As we all know

As we all know, crime is an action which is something that we are not supposed to encourage. We need to be cautious and stay alert even if it is broad daylight. We can describe definition of crime as an action that be punishment by law know as a crime. Many action of crime that we can see like trafficking, smuggling, violent gang wars, kidnapping and the most violent crimes that have scared netizens are rapping and murders. Based on my researched, snatch theft and crime index 2017 in Kuala Lumpur rose to 1,010 cases compared to 640 cases for the same period last year. There are many factors why criminal crimes increase because people need to survive in this urbanized country therefore they are encouraged to commit crimes in order to live in this increasing cost of living era. In this essay, I would like to discuss about few prevention how to reduce criminal cases increase. There are three main ways how to reduce criminal cases which is law enforcement.

First and foremost, re-introduction of Civics and Citizenship Education (PSK) subjects to primary and secondary school is one the prevention how to reduce criminal cases. This PSK subject is one way towards create youth’s noble character and aims to nurture pure values in ever teenagers. An individual is able to solve the problems he faces without the elements of violence, culture, understanding religious diversity and being able to contribute to national development with through the re-introduction of this subject.

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