5010150-571500-419100-495300 Slide show presentation In January 1933

5010150-571500-419100-495300 Slide show presentation In January 1933

5010150-571500-419100-495300 Slide show presentation
In January 1933, 522,000 Jews lived in Germany. The other 304,000 Jews, emigrated during the first couple years of the Nazi dictatorship, leaving only approximately 214,000 Jews in Germany proper  .
On march 12 1938, the Nazis annexed Austria. Later in that same year the Nazis marched in Sudetenland, half of Czechoslovakia, and than on march 15 1939, Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia. By all this happening it brought half a million Jews under Germans control.

In May 1943, Nazi German authorities reported that the Reich was Judenrein  (“free of Jews”). By this time, mass deportations had left fewer than 20,000 Jews in Germany.  Some were fine because they were married to non-Jews or cause they were classified as Mischlinge and were exempt from deportation.

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Life as a civilian during the five years of occupation of the Channel Islands by the German army. That all started june 1940, the winter was hard they began running low on food and fuel. There were many disastrous changes, too. Men had to escape from being transferred to works in Germany. Some hid in forest and other places .


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